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Inflation got you deflated?

Mark’s here to pump you up.

Don’t let inflation burst your home-buying bubble. Yes, it’s high and yes, it drives up interest rates. 

But higher rates make once sky-high home prices float back down to earth. Take Mark’s advice for buying when rates are ballooning: If you can afford the home, buy the home. Interest rates can be refinanced. Home prices can’t. 

Contact Mark for a chat (no hot air, we promise).

Survive the Ups and Downs.

Mortgage rates are tied to inflation. As inflation decreases, rates will eventually decrease. But once rates go down, home prices will go up. Fortunately, you’re not locked into this rate forever; there will be options once the rates go back down. It is easy to refinance a higher rate to a lower rate but you can’t refinance a higher sales price to a lower sales price. With rates where they have been for months now, you can find homes that are great opportunities to buy, priced well, with seller credits to help offset overall cash to close.

Blowing away misinformation.

A lot of people think home prices will crash, but they won’t. This isn’t like 2010 when housing speculation, fake over-demand, and lax lending standards caused a recession. Today’s housing market is driven by dramatic under-supply, no lax lending, and no speculation. There is no bubble that will burst. And with Mark’s automatic refinance program, you can buy now and refi when rates go down (because the price won’t).

Let Mark float some ideas your way.

Schedule your free consultation today.
